About Us
Pure Tax Resolution offers tax resolution services for individuals and businesses with IRS back tax problems. From our tax resolution center in Milford, MI and Clearwater, FL we provide tax resolution for clients across the United States dealing with IRS or State tax problems. The tax attorneys at Pure Tax Resolution are licensed in Michigan and Florida, and can represent taxpayers in all 50 states before the IRS, and are admitted to practice law in the U.S. tax courts, giving us additional leverage to use when needed to resolve your IRS tax problem. We provide tax resolution services for individuals and businesses who have failed to file tax returns, owe back taxes have received IRS collection letters, have had their wages garnished or are subject to an IRS audit. In addition to employing a full staff of tax attorneys, we also employ a staff of licensed CPAs and professional tax accountants, who help to identify IRS mistakes, replace IRS substitute tax returns with actual returns, and who can prepare delinquent tax returns for our clients to bring them back into compliance with the IRS.
There is no need for you to live in fear that the IRS is going to show up at your home or your place of business. Once you hire Pure Tax, we shoulder that burden for you by instructing the IRS to communicate directly with us, rather than you, about your tax problem. We will work with you and the IRS to develop a comprehensive tax resolution plan that works for you and the IRS, and eliminates that horrible feeling of being trapped by your IRS back tax problems. The consultation is FREE, so we invite you to contact us today: (800) 462-7021
We offer free consultations, superior customer service, and 24-hour availability for our clients. See why Pure Tax Resolution is the preferred choice for your IRS representation needs.